We genuinely and sincerely take our duty as custodian of your prized data incredibly seriously. Our family, our friends and their family are Heavenly Mail members too – this is personal for us.
I’d like to outline at a high level some of the safe guards we take not only to keep your data secure, but also protect it from loss. We have carefully designed our systems and processes to tolerate unimaginable concurrent failure.
Website Application
The Heavenly Mail website and database services are backed up multiple times each hour, encrypted and instantly duplicated to an offsite location. These backups are then further handled in a fashion very similar to your files and photos, explained below.
This puts us in an incredibly robust position to recover rapidly in the event of distributed catastrophic server failure.
Files and Photos
All media uploaded to Heavenly Mail and Eternal Vault is instantly duplicated to a secure offsite location. This offsite location over the next hour or so is further replicated to two totally seperate and diverse storage locations provided by enterprise partners each with an 11 ‘9s’ data durability contractual service level agreement. That’s 99.999999999%. Conceptually, if we stored 1 million files in just one location for 10 million years, we would expect to lose 1 file – we store it in four just to be safe.
Card and Payment data
All payments are processed and handled by our carefully selected payment partner Stripe. Stripe is the industry leader with a long list of accreditations to ensure safe and secure payment and data processing. Heavenly Mail does not store any payment data at all.
Military grade encryption is in use where appripriate to secure your personal data